2024 Jr. Fair Book

How to fill out your DUNF form video

2024 DUNF Form for all market and lactating animals

Updated Ohio Junior Livestock Exhibition Rules revised 5/2024

2024 Jr.Fair Livestock Auction Add On Form

1. Market beef, Beef/Dairy Feeders and swine will be tagged by the member with an 840 EID ear tag. If your animal did not come with an 840 EID ear tag in place from the breeder, the Ashland County Extension Office will have 840 EID tags available for you to tag your 4-H/FFA animal.

2. Market Goats and Market Lambs will be identified by their required USDA Scrapies tag (or tattoo with matching registration papers). No second tag is necessary. The goat/lamb should come with a Scrapies tag or tattoo already in place from the breeder.

2. NEW: ALL ANIMALS (except poultry) must identified in the member's 4Honline profile.
Market Beef  by January 19.
Horses and Dogs by May 1.
Market rabbits will be identified by August 9.
Poultry does not have to be identified in 4Honline. All other animals, including breeding animals, by June 1.

How to identify your animal in your 4Honline profile

3. Anyone taking a living, breathing animal to the fair must complete Quality Assurance by June 1.

4. Any breeding animal or Dairy animal that is leased must have the required lease forms uploaded into the animal's 4HOnline profile by June 1.   
Dairy Lease Form
Breeding Animal Lease


Interview/Book Judging Score Sheets

Project Requirements and Forms


  dog with 4-H emblem


Family and Consumer Science and Still
  FCS and 4-H  


horse and 4-H emblem


Livestock and 4-H emblem


Project Enrollment and Showing Animals at Ohio State Fair

Click on this form for clarification of the differences in 4-H and FFA projects and how those projects are eligible for the Ohio State Fair.


Project Central

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