Family Animal Vet Approval Form

1. Quality Assurance must be completed by June 1 for anyone taking a living, breathing animal project to the fair. 

2. Market Beef, Beef/Dairy Feeders and Swine must be tagged with an 840 EID tag by June 1.  If your animal did not come with an 840 EID tag upon purchase, tags will be available at the Extension Office for the member to tag their animal.


 3. Sheep and Goats will be identified by their Scrapies tag (or tattoo with registration papers to match).  

3. All animals (except poultry and market rabbits) must be entered and identified in the member's 4Honline profile. This includes breeding animals.  Market beef by January 19. Horses and Dogs by May 1.  All other animals in 4Honline by June 1. 

   Market Rabbits will be identified in 4Honline in August 9.